Sunday, April 8, 2012

t-minus 7 hours and counting (Eastern Time)

YEAH! It's happening.
I'm pumped to be doing Record Time again,  the first time I participated was Record Time V, and then I believe RTVI was the second time.  I was on the fence about what I should do at first because I've also been working on a different album for nearly over a year now, which has been super frustrating not to be able to just get it done and move on with my life.  So, I decided to put that project aside and do RTVIII first and make some totally new material, which will hopefully bridge the gap in my discography, if it goes well, and give me a renewed sense of creativity / productiveness.

While in a half asleep / zombie-like state around 5am a couple days ago, an album title came to me from the clouds:  "Infinitesma"  which I googled, and turned out to be an actual scientific thing!

My rough idea is to make some heavy, yet ethereal, Electro-Pop dance tunes, with concepts circling around science and math, with a dash of love.  I'm guessing it will turn out as an EP, and would also love to make some actual CD sleeves at the end with the new screenprinting equip I acquired a few weeks ago, (assuming the EP sounds good enough to put in that effort.) 

Also, I haven't participated in reviews yet, mostly because of the post-RT crash that happens on the following Monday, but I would love to give people feedback this year since I've gotten awesomely thorough reviews from some of you in the past. 

So that's my general idea, luckily I have a pretty open schedule since I work from home, but that also sets the bar pretty high to make it actually good since I have the time to do it.
Next post I will include pics of my "studio" and equipment description for those of you interested in setups.

p.s.  don't forget to have fun!
--Alexandre Maxine aka "Luxi"

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