Monday, April 2, 2012

RIP Theodred

I guess I'll start things off -- the blog is probably my favorite part of Record Time!

I've been thinking about my RT8 album for a long time -- often as a break from the musical I've been slaving away on. First I thought I'd go back to my roots and make some progressive pop-metal. Then I wanted to make a sludge album, but in major keys and with clean vocals (not too different from my typical style, but slower and heavier). I later came across a few albums that did exactly that, and probably better than I could have. So that was out.

Then I discovered (and became obsessed with) the band Swans, and decided I should write something slow and raw and direct and beautiful. I thought I might turn that into a sort of tasteful Viking metal album, possibly with lyrics from the Poetic Edda (one of the two main Norse mythology texts). But for some reason I wasn't really getting much out of that idea.

So this past weekend I came across some bits of inspiration that I think will stick, if only because I'm out of time. One of my favorite songs, and one of my favorite movies, oddly connected.

First, the movie -- one of (I think) the best scenes from the LOTR trilogy.

Second, the song -- Espers' "Dead Queen."

I can't tell you how many times I've listened to this song. The vocals at 1:34 are so beautiful. There was a time I couldn't fall asleep without putting this on every night.

So I want to do something like that. I'd like to take the distortion aspect further -- I like the idea of heavy distortion being part of a very peaceful sound. I also think I'd like to try the whole thing without drums.

Honestly, I'd probably be safe trying to copy Espers' sound exactly, as I'll probably fail and make something original by accident. I'd like to think that's not uncommon in Record Time.

So that's where I am. Ridiculously excited as usual.

I want to hear about everyone else's plans -- if you haven't been invited to this blog, let me know so you can start posting!

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