Monday, April 16, 2012

BOO! last minute technical problems

SO it looks like I'm going to be running late getting this one in. Reaper started crashing and giving me all sorts of grief last night, right as I was trying to master the tracks. I finally got it figured out this morning, but I couldn't get it all completed before I had to leave for work. So Dan, don't expect it until later tonight.

I was super excited with how this album was turning out BEFORE I did the vocals. DURRING the lyric writing and vocal recording, I got considerably less happy with the project. AFTER all is said and done, though, I am definitely pleased with this record.

Since I knew my voice would not sound good singing these songs, I decided to make them sound intentionally bad. I wrote the lyrics hastily, sang the parts quickly and out of tune, and then I ran them through a guitar amp simulater. Its not how I would have preferred to do it, but given my limitations as a singer, it was the best route to take. Plus, it made the whole vocal process go by quicker, which is always a plus when it comes to Record Time.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, that pictures perfectly describes how I was feeling two days ago. love it.
