Friday, April 13, 2012

getting weird...wired...weird...

I wrote my first non 4/4 time songs ever, I don't know why I didn't think of it before.  So I have one in 3/4, and another in 6/8, which crashed ableton for the first time everrrr!  I'm happy with what I have, this album came the most naturally to me than any of the other ones in the past.

I have seven songs so far, they are all kept pretty short, leaving me at 18:38, which may or may not change, but its already two minutes longer than what I did for RTVI, so I see that as a success.  Still have to record vocals for four of the songs, though two of them I already did a rough take to get the words right, I just need to re-do them.

So, I'm hoping to have all the vocals recorded tonight, then tomorrow I can finalize the mix and make any changes, and Sunday I can do the album art.  I am also going forward with the screen printed sleeves, so I made a template yesterday: 

So yeah, I'm excited.  I'll probably do the screen prep today still and finalize my negatives for exposure tomorrow night, so Sunday can be all about the printing and getting one scanned in at Kinko's or something so I can also make a digital version.  I realize this is kind of ambitious, but I'm a huge DIY nerd and I feel like making physical copies.  I'm also going to be printing stickers to go onto the CD itself. WISH ME LUCK!

xxx Luxi xxx


  1. Veeeery nice! Making a physical product definitely takes the Record Time concept to the next step.

  2. Thanks dude! Haha, yeah, hopefully I can pull it off!

  3. I might try something like this too -- we'll see how much time I have left!

    1. I just found the "reply" button. That makes sense..
      But anyway, yes! You should totally do it, feels really good to hold a finished project in your hands...So I've heard.

    2. Oh snap, I'm replying too! Maybe I'll grab a palm leaf from outside and make my cover out of that.
