Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reviews for Volume 1

Every time, I promise that I am going to review every submission, but I haven't yet.  Well, this time is different, I swear!  Here are my reviews for Volume 1, the rest are on the way.

This whole volume was AWESOME!  Seriously, all of the music was great, and the production quality on everything was top notch.  This was an especially cool volume to listen to because everyone on it was a veteran to Record Time, so it was cool to see how much we have all progressed over the years.  And we all have.  Seriously great work!  I think, if the time was taken to promote it and whatnot, every record in this volume could be released online by the artist and could probably get quite a few fans and do really well.  That is, after all, the whole point of Record Time, right?  To prove that making cool music isn't REALLY as hard as we all think it is.

Andrew Miller - Bharata
Andrew, your stuff always sounds amazing and super professional.  I can totally picture this in a Mission: Impossible-style action movie where the hero has to tiptoe and dance around all of the alarm lasers as he/she sneaks into the enemy base.  Its a pretty repetitive piece, with no drastic change happening throughout its entire 8 minutes, but the way the instruments subtley change and weave in and out keeps it from getting old.  As always, great work!!!

Eric Putnam - Listen
Before I even hit play, the artwork jumped out at me.  I love its simplicity!  The music was great as well.  Completely not what I would have expected from you, since your last RT was almost entirely electric bass and I don’t think you even picked the instrument up for this one.  The acoustic guitar tones you got sound awesome, the whole thing sounds like a much less pretentious Bon Iver, I really like it.

Girlbeard - Girlbeard
Teh vocals suck on this onee

Lobster Shanty and the Crab Rangoon - Downtown
Wow, this sounds great!  It always blows my mind when I hear music that people produce for RT and it completely sounds like a real, serious music project that someone spent months writing, weeks in the studio, and lots of money making.  The drums/perc. sound really great. I love the way the live drums blend with the overdubbed cymbals and stuff, and how the shakers and tambs. mesh right in.  Everything else sounds great too, I’m just a drummer at heart so thats what I notice first.  The whole thing is mixed very well, all of the elements fit together perfectly.  Musically, I think this album is a great next step for Lobster Shanty.  While your last RT resurrected the energy and emotion of P-Funk, this endeavor takes a more “disco” approach.  Its great, it has its own distinct feel that I love!

Logan Bradley - Hamburgers and Hotdogs
Your albums are always so full of creativity, and this one is no exception.  There are more killer guitar riffs in this 20.5 minute album than I've written in my whole life, and you touch on so many styles of music, it is really impressive that you can get it all done in just one week.  Plus the production value is killer and the artwork is amazing too.  Wonderful wonderful music!

LUXI - Infinitesma (EP)
This is a really cool record!  I tried to follow the blog pretty closely this time, and it was neat reading about the process you went through making this EP.  The whole record has a very distinct and cohesive sound to it, especially the vocals.  The effects you dialled in with that floor vocal pedal sound great, they really compliment the atmosphere you have created with this music.

Strange Battery - Piece of Wood
“You know me, I’m that guy.  Not that guy, that’s another guy.”  Dan, this is an awesome record.  I made a comment on one of your blog posts about how when we first started Record Time you did EVERY single instrument digitally in the computer.  Its so cool to hear you make a record where every instrument is played live and miked up in your bedroom.  Parts of this record really remind me, both in production sound AND in musical content, a lot of the album Floating World by Anathallo, which is easily one of my favorite records ever.  As always, way to set the bar high for the rest of us!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike, I thought of you when getting my guitar tone set up and felt the pressure to match last RT's guitar tone. Unfortunately, 20 tracks to edit means I didn't even use my string noise tracks or my Line-In tracks with an amp sim. This one was a single 906 track per guitar, but that mic is sooo good that it turned out alright.
