Monday, April 16, 2012

Funzo Donezo

I managed to pull it off, kind of, idk what I did, but I did something.  And that is the point.
Put some glitter on my face and called it a day.  I think this album art turned out to be a lot better suited for this album than what I was originally going to do, so the screen malfunction was not all bad.

This album in general is definitely rough around the edges, and I keep listening to it & changing little things here and there, but I think it's pretty much as done as it's going to get.  Disclaimer: I sang a lot, and didn't use any auto-tune at all (for once, but maybe should have), hopefully it's not unlistenable... I did my best, that's all I can say.  Think of it as anti-music music... kind of about everything and nothing at the same time, with little regard for the listener.

I really disliked this album in general at first, until I realized I was only hating it because I actually do love it.  This RT has been awesome though,  I learned a lot about the importance of staying organized and focused, and how to deal with technical problems.  Plus, now I can visualize my other album (that one I've been working on for a year) getting finished because,'s not that hard to make an album.  Another shout out to Dan for birthing the fetus of Record Time to fruition. Glad I could be a part of it again. Can't wait to hear everyone's music!

∆ ∆ ∆

P.S. The lyrics came out kind of like a stream of consciousness, they're pretty simple, and there aren't a lot of them, but I did manage to leave the swearing out of it, which is generally a challenge for me.