Tuesday, April 10, 2012

coffee coffee coffee!

I wrote my first lyrics ever (ever!) last night. So far I have the first track almost secure & ready to record as well as what I hope to be the 4th track. Realistically, I think I'll be able to do 5 songs for this album (which almost has a name!).
Musically, I'm not expecting to do anything spectacular or drastic, but I'm going to try to challenge myself with the guitar a bit more than usual.
Tomorrow will be the big day for me. Monday I had a dinner/movie date in Indy (spoiler: the Titanic still sinks, but this time in 3D), which took away my whole night... but I managed to get a little done when I got home. Today I worked in Indy & am pooped but am hoping to keep writing until I pass out. Tomorrow begins the recording process, which I'm sure will be far more frustrating than this part of it.

Chug, chug, chuggin' along!



  1. First lyrics EVER? Congrats! I tried to read them off the pic, but I all I can see is "apartment"...

  2. yes indeed, congrats on your first lyrics ever! hopefully the first of many. It's also nice to see another female taking this challenge upon herself :)
