Wednesday, April 11, 2012

& the madness continues...

It's Wednesday. I'm not sure how I'm doing in comparison to the other RTs, but I'm feeling pretty "okay" about what I've done so far.  I have an intro, and two songs complete with vocals, and two more beats without vocals that I'm not sure if I'm going to use or not.  It seems like I've been working on the beats at night, then doing vocals whenever I have the house to myself here and there, mixed in with making sure I fulfill my regular life duties. 

As promised here's a pic of my setup:  (which alternates between the desk and the bed since my only chair is a lawn chair and has been killing my back. Though I appreciate the cup holder.)

That there on the mac is ableton.  I will also use Logic and Waveburner near the end to get the vocals sounding their best and the thing mastered up as well as possible considering what's missing from this picture:: monitors!! Yeah, I don't have any monitors, which is kind of a pain... So this RT calls for many many car tests to make sure I'm getting the mixes right, since that has been one of my biggest challenges in the past. 

Then there's the MPK, which is pretty self explanatory, it's a midi controller and also my only keyboard that I have here in Atlanta since I moved.  There is also an acoustic guitar that belongs to my boyfriend, but I don't really play the guitar.  Maybe next time. 

This time though what's really different are my vocals.  I'm using a Boss Ve-20 vocal processor pedal, run through my Komplete 6 audio interface, and into ableton.  And of course the mic, which is a Shure SM 58 this time around, since our condenser mic is on the fritz, but it doesn't sound as bad recorded as I thought it would.

Pretty much all the effects for the vocals I'm doing with the pedal and don't have to do much with them inside the DAW, which I kind of like because I hear what it's going to sound like before I even record it. 

I'm also trying to push myself vocally, the first 2.5 songs I did mostly in my head voice, which I haven't really experimented that much with since I've always been told I'm stronger as an alto.

Yeah, so far it sounds kind of like,  lost child of the 80s went downtown post-apocalypse and decided to write some music in an abandoned building and throw a solo rave party or something. IDK.

Until next time,
xxx Luxi xxx

1 comment:

  1. madness = goodness = dystopian 80s future

    Sounds like you're on the right track!
