Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Inspired by the wonderful post by those East-Coast Seafood Boys, I thought I would go into a little detail about my schedule and planning for this record.
MONDAY: Write guitar parts and arrangments for as many songs as possible. My buddy Dain aided me in this (we cancelled our regularly scheduled band practice for RTVIII).
TUESDAY: Flesh out and program drums for all of the songs. If this goes pretty quickly, I will try to write a couple more tunes. I'm at 9 so far, which is a decent number, but not nearly a full length yet.
WEDNESDSY: Track guitar and bass for everything. Again, depending on how quickly this gets done, I'll try to write more tunes. Record Time is the one part of life where quality is NOT over quantity.
THURSDAY: Start recording vocals and mixing. This was the part of the project where I was really going to need Dain's help. He has a great punk voice, and can come up with decent lyrics completely on the fly. Unfortunately, Monday was the only day he had off from work, so my scrappy, whinney voice is going to have to scrounge up the grit and bravado of Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig. Time to take up smoking, I guess...
FRIDAY: I'm pretty busy this day with work and the wife, so I'm not planning on getting much done. I'll try to squeeze in some mixing, maybe get some concepts together for the artwork.
SATURDAY: This is the day I finish everything up. Track the last of the vocals, do any last minute guitar overdubs, mix and master the songs, assemble everything in album order. I have, pretty much, the entire day set aside for this, so I SHOULD be able pull it all together.
SUNDAY: The wife and I are spending the day in Chicago for her birthday, so I'm not planning on getting anything done that day, besides submiting the finished album to Dan (unless, of course, I do that Saturday night...)
And now for some pictures...
The South Wall
Note all of the fancy guitars and microphones, as well as the beautiful upright Yamaha piano which will NOT be making an apearance on this album...
The North Wall
Lots of snazzy audio gear, much of which will not be used.
I'll try to get some video clips up here this week, we shall see how things go.

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