Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Back to Basics

Since the dawn of (Record) Time I have traversed a vast musical landscape, including a hardcore punk record about plants and vegetables, an indie rock concept album, a CD of experimental electronic music, and a quirky folk-rock EP.

For RTVIII I plan to revisit the stylings of my RTII submission "Pistols and Stamens", but this time I will have the help of my friend and bandmate Dain Drake (now THERE's a rockstar name if I've ever heard one). I am still on the fence about whether or not to have a theme/concept for this one. I feel like, sometimes, having a concept to go off of can be a crutch when it comes to songwriting, however, attempting to write and record a full-length album in just a week is no easy task, so I might need that crutch in order to accomplish my goal.

Sooo, if I WERE to have a lyrical theme for this album, do any of you Record Timers out there have any suggestions?



  1. More punk eh? I'd go with a pro-government album about the little things they do for us, like building roads and picking up trash.

    Or just do an album about garbagemen. Doesn't get a lot more hardcore than that.

    Or do a punk album for old people.

  2. After an accident with a mircowave, a college student making cheap Raman noodles, he has a vision of Godzilla attacking Japan. This is his voyage to save Tokyo from a disaster.

    Or not...

  3. Those are all great ideas. I especially like the garbage man one. Maybe each song could be about a different public works job.

    That Godzilla story could be epic, maybe TOO epic for a punk album. A Godzilla records needs synthesizors, and I don't plan on having any of those on this record.
